Playing Rules

Updated August 13, 2024
General Rules

Florida State University does not provide accident insurance coverage for injuries received by Intramural Sports participants. Each participant should make sure that they have coverage either through family policies or the student insurance plan.

Florida State University PROHIBITS possession or consumption of alcoholic beverages on University property. Smoking and the use of smokeless tobacco is also prohibited at Campus Recreation facilities. This includes the Rec SportsPlex, Main Campus Fields, Westside Courts, and Tully Gym. Violators will be asked to leave the area. Failure to do so can result in forfeiture of the contest, suspension of individuals and/or teams, and appropriate action by the Office of Student Conduct & Community Standards and/or the FSU Police.

Sport Rules

Current National Federation (High School) Soccer rules will govern play with the following modifications:


1. Participation is limited to currently-enrolled, fee-paying FSU students, faculty members, and full-time staff. FAMU & TCC students and members of the community are not eligible.

2. In order to participate in an intramural contest, each player must present their current, valid FSUCard. Check-in takes place at designated sign-in locations at the facility, not at the fields or courtside.

3. Additional information regarding player eligibility, team rosters, and participant check-in is available in the Seven Principles of Intramural Sports, available online at the FSU Intramural Sports web site and in the Intramural Sports Office at the Main Campus Fields (1001 W. St. Augustine Street). Requests for exceptions to any policy must be directed to the IM administrative staff during regular weekday business hours in the Intramural Sports Office. No exceptions are granted at the fields or courts.


1. Players can compete on one men’s or women’s team, regardless of league or division classification, and one co-ed team.

2. Each men’s and women’s team consists of seven (7) players. A team must have five (5) players to begin a game. Four players constitutes a default. Three or fewer players signed-in at game time will result in a forfeit.

(Co-Ed) Each co-ed team consists of eight (8) players. A team must have (6) players to begin a game. Five players constitutes a default. Four or fewer players signed-in at game time will result in a forfeit.

(Co-Ed) Team composition in co-ed can be 4 men and 4 women, 3 men and 4 women, 4 men and 3 women, or 3 men and 3 women. No other combinations are permitted.

A. At no time may the number of players on a team fall below five (5).

3. Unlimited substitutions are permitted. The referee must be notified before a substitution can occur. Players entering and leaving the field must do so at the halfway line. Substitutions may occur on a goal kick, after a goal, at half time, after an injury, after a caution, and during your own corner kick and throw-in. Any player ejected from the game may not be replaced.


1. The 7-on-7 soccer field shall be 80 yards long by 50 yards wide. The penalty box extends 14 yards from the end line and is 33 yards wide. The goal box extends 5 yards from the end line and is 15 yards wide.

2. The goals will remain the standard size: 8 feet by 24 feet.


1. Teams must provide their own ball for warm-up. The referee will pick the best ball available to use as the game ball.

2. It is suggested that team members wear similar colored jerseys and bring another colored jersey (i.e. one dark-colored and one light-colored jersey) The goalkeeper must wear a different color jersey than either team on the field. Pennies will be available at the match site for teams without like-colored shirts.

3. All players must wear shoes; tennis shoes and soft-soled, one-piece soccer shoes, plastic screw-on cleats are allowed. Cleats must be made of non-chipping material and not form a cutting edge. Metal spikes and cleats are prohibited. Shoes will be checked by the referee who will have final say as to their legality.

4. Players are strongly encouraged to wear shin guards; however, they are not required. Additionally, goalkeepers are strongly encouraged to wear soft-padded soccer helmets and goalie gloves.

5. Players are not allowed to wear caps or bandanas.

6. Visible jewelry of any kind (earrings, studs, etc) is strictly prohibited and may not be worn during the game. Taping of jewelry is not permitted. Jewelry must be removed, or the player will not be permitted to play. Casts or any items deemed dangerous by the referee may not be worn during the game. A player is subject to ejection for failure to comply after first warning.

7. Additionally, goalkeepers are strongly encouraged to wear soft-padded soccer helmets and goalie gloves. (Rule VI.4)


1. Game time is forfeit time. Any team that forfeits 2 games will not be eligible for the playoffs.

2. A game will be divided into two (2) periods of twenty (20) minutes each. Time runs continuously unless there is an injury or unexpected interruptions. At the conclusion of each half, the teams reverse ends. There shall be five (5) minutes between halves. There are no time outs. Time shall be extended to allow a penalty kick to be taken. Game time will be kept on the field by a referee.

3. 5-at-5 Mercy Rule: If a team is ahead by five or more goals with five minutes or less remaining in the second half, the game will end. At the same time, if a team is ahead by four goals and is deemed to be stalling, the officials have the option to end the game and sporting behavior points may be deducted.

4. Regular season games that are tied at the end of regulation time will remain tied. No overtime is played during the regular season. Playoff games that are tied at the end of regulation time will proceed into overtime and, if needed, a shootout to determine a winner. The overtime and shootout procedures are outlined below.


1. FSU Intramural Sports reserves the right to postpone or reschedule a contest if circumstances warrant such action. Regular season games cancelled by rain are generally not rescheduled. Contests postponed due to other reasons may or may not be rescheduled at the discretion of the Intramural Sports staff.

2. In the case of inclement weather, the Intramural Sports staff will not make a decision regarding the playing of games until after 4:00 pm. For information on cancellations, use the FSU Rec app or visit the Intramural Sports web site.

3. A game stopped because of inclement weather is a regulation game if four or more innings (3 1/2 if the home team is ahead) have been played. In the event that a game is stopped in the middle of an inning, the official score will revert the score at the end of the last complete inning.


1. A two referee system will be utilized. Each referee will have equal responsibility in ruling on play.


1. A coin toss before the beginning of the match will determine which team kicks off and which has the choice of ends. The team not receiving the ball first will have possession to begin the second half.

2. On the referee’s signal, the match shall start or resume following a goal with a kick from the center of the field.

3. All players shall be within their half of the field. Opponents of the kicking team must be outside of the 8-yard center circle until the ball is kicked. A teammate of the kicker may be anywhere within their half of the field.

4. The ball shall be kicked while it is stationary on the ground in the center of the field of play and may clearly move in any direction.

5. The kicker shall not play the ball a second time until another player (of either team) has touched the ball. The penalty for this violation is an indirect free kick.


1. A goal is scored when the ball wholly crosses the goal line, between the goal posts and under the cross bar.

2. After the ball has wholly crossed the sidelines, either on the ground or in the air, the team that did not touch the ball last shall be awarded the throw-in.
A. The thrower must face the field of play and have both feet touching the ground out of bounds or on the touch line when the throw is made.
B. The thrower must use both hands equally and shall deliver the ball from behind and over the head.
C. A goal cannot be scored directly from a throw-in. An improper throw will result in the award of the throw to the other team.

3. A goal kick is awarded when the ball crosses the goal line, either on the ground or in the air, and was last touched by an offensive player. The ball is then placed anywhere within the goal area (box).
A. A goal-kick is not required to leave the penalty area before a teammate touches the ball. Opponents must remain outside the penalty area when a goal-kick takes place.
B. The player taking the goal kick cannot retouch the ball until another player has touched it.

4. A corner kick is awarded when the ball crosses the goal line, either on the ground or in the air, and was last touched by a defensive player. The ball must be placed on the ground on the quarter circle near the corner post.
A. A goal may be scored directly from a corner kick. The opposing team must be ten yards away at the time the ball is kicked.
B. The kicker cannot retouch the ball until it is touched by another player (either team).
C. Corner posts (flags or cones) cannot be removed to take a corner kick.

5. Any ball striking a goal post or corner post and remaining on the field is in play. After the ball has wholly crossed the sideline or goal line, or whenever the game has been stopped by the referee, the ball is out of play. If the ball strikes the referee and possession changes to the team who was not the last one to play the ball, play resumes with an indirect free kick to the team who last played the ball. If the ball strikes the referee and the team who just played the ball maintains possession, play continues normally with no stoppage.

6. There is NO offsides in intramural rec soccer.

7. When restarting the game after a temporary suspension of play (i.e. injury), except on a free kick or throw-in, the team that was clearly in possession of the ball at the time of the suspension shall be awarded an uncontested drop ball from the spot the ball was at the time of the suspension.
A. If neither team was in clear possession of the ball, the referee shall drop the ball to the defending team at the place where it was when play was suspended, and the ball is in play when it touches the ground. If play was stopped with the ball in the goal area, the ball is dropped at the nearest point outside the goal area.


1. The goalkeeper has possession (control) of the ball when they are touching the ball.

2. From the moment the keeper takes control of the ball with their hands within their own penalty area, they are to be penalized if they take more than six seconds without releasing the ball into play.

3. A keeper may not, after releasing the ball into play, touch the ball again with their hands before it has been touched by another player of the same team outside the penalty area or by an opposing player either inside or outside the penalty area. If the goalkeeper plays the ball to a teammate and the teammate passes the ball back to the goalkeeper, they may not use their hands to play the pass. Penalty for violation of this rule is an indirect free kick.

4. The goalkeeper shall not touch the ball with their hands via a throw-in from their own team or a deliberate kick by a teammate. Penalty is an indirect free kick.

5. A goalkeeper may leave their feet to play the ball but may only slide with their body perpendicular to the play (not head or feet first). A goalkeeper leaving their feet may not at any time make contact with an opposing player while attempting to play the ball with their feet while on the ground. Doing so will be deemed a slide tackle.


There is NO SLIDE TACKLING in IM rec soccer. This rule applies to all players anywhere on the field.

(Definitions) A slide occurs when a player leaves their feet and leads with their feet to play the ball anywhere on the field and contact is NOT made with an opponent. A slide tackle occurs when a player leaves their feet and leads with their feet to play the ball while the ball is in the possession of an opposing player. Contact is required. An attempt to slide tackle (ex: player hurdling/avoiding a slide tackle) will also be considered a slide tackle.

A slide will be a non-call. Any slide tackle will result in a yellow card and direct free kick, the offending player is dismissed for either 3 minutes or until the opposing team scores a goal. If the opposing team scores a goal on the direct free kick or penalty kick that is awarded due to the slide tackle, the offending player must remain out of the game and the offending team will continue to play a person down until the next goal (essentially the second goal) is scored. A player’s dismissal due to a slide tackle will not necessarily affect the team’s sporting behavior rating. (VII. Rules, Slide Tackling)

A goalkeeper may leave their feet to play the ball but may only slide with their body perpendicular to the play (not head or feet first). A goalkeeper leaving their feet may not at any time make contact with an opposing player while attempting to play the ball with their feet while on the ground. Doing so will be deemed a slide tackle. (VII. Rules, Slide Tackling)


The word “kicks” in the text below refers only to circumstances where a player plays the ball with the foot or feet. Similarly, a deflection with the foot or feet is permitted in circumstances where it is not intentional (involuntary deflection or miskick from a teammate).

A player who commits any of the following offenses shall be penalized by the award of an indirect free kick or direct free kick (as noted) to be taken by the opposing team from the spot where the infraction occurred:

(Indirect) Dangerous play – In the opinion of the official, all high kicks above the waist or any attempt to make a play on the ball while kneeling or laying on the ground in a dangerous manner shall be prohibited.

(Indirect) Charging a player not in possession of the ball – A player shall not intentionally charge an opponent unfairly. A player shall not charge into the goalkeeper who is not in possession of the ball.

(Indirect) Obstruction – Obstruction is the intentional act by a player, not in possession of the ball or not attempting to play the ball, of running between an opponent and the ball or using the body as an obstacle.

(Indirect) Goalkeeper holding the ball longer than six (6) seconds after they receives it. Goalkeeper touching the ball with their hand(s) when received by throw-in or deliberate kick from a teammate.

(Indirect) Interfering with the goalkeeper – No player of the opposing team shall interfere with a goalkeeper in possession of the ball.

(Indirect) Delay of game – No player or team shall unnecessarily delay the playing of the game.

(Direct) Kicking or striking an opponent – A player shall not intentionally attempt to kick or strike an opponent. The goalkeeper may not intentionally strike or attempt to strike an opponent by throwing the ball at the opponent.

(Direct) Jumping at or tripping an opponent – A player shall not intentionally jump at nor intentionally trip an opponent.

(Direct) Charging a player in possession of the ball – A player shall not intentionally charge an opponent unfairly. Offenses include violently and/or dangerously charging a player or charging from behind.

(Direct) Holding, pushing, or impeding an opponent – A player shall not use their hands or arms to hold, push, or impede an opponent.

(Direct) Hand ball – A player shall be penalized for intentionally handling, carrying, striking, or propelling the ball with a hand/arm. Unintentional handling occurs when the ball strikes the hands/arms of a player whose hands/arms are in a natural position; this unintentional hand ball shall not be penalized.

In addition to the above penalties, a referee may issue a yellow (caution) or red (ejection) card for the following offenses:

(Yellow) Leaving the field or coming onto the field without a referee’s permission.

(Yellow) Poor Sporting Behavior.

(Yellow) Persistent infringement of the rules of the game.

(Yellow) Showing dissent (disagreement) toward a referee’s call, including objecting by word of mouth or action.

(Yellow) Slide tackle involving contact on the player in possession of the ball.

(Red) Excessive foul or abusive language.

(Red) Persistent misconduct after receiving a caution.

(Red) Violent or serious foul play.

(Red) Intentionally impeding an opponent through unlawful means during an obvious goal-scoring opportunity – If a player who is moving toward their opponents’ goal with an obvious opportunity to score a goal is intentionally impeded by an opponent through unlawful means (an offense punishable by a free kick or penalty kick), thus denying the attacking player’s team the goal-scoring opportunity, the offending player shall be sent off the field for serious foul play.

A team caution, a disciplinary action facing an entire team as a result of a violation by a player of that team, may be assessed by the referee in the following instances: encroachment on free kicks, intentional hand balls by the defense, and unnecessary delay. Once a team caution has been issued, if any player from that team commits the same foul, that player will be ejected.

(Red) A red card results in the ejection of the offending player from the match. The ejected player may not return for the remainder of the match, must leave the facility, and may not be replaced by a substitute. Teams will play (finish the match) a player down for each red card / ejection. Ejected participants are immediately suspended from all IM play and must complete the reinstatement procedure to participate in future contests.


If in the opinion of the referee, it is to the advantage of the player fouled not to call the penalty, then play shall continue and the foul shall not be called. (VII. Rules, Advantage)l


1. An indirect free kick is a free kick from which a goal may not be scored unless the ball is touched by another player from either team.

2. A direct free kick is a free kick from which a goal may be scored against the offending team.

3. The free kick may be taken by any player of the offended team on the field of play at the time of the offense.

4. When a direct or indirect free kick is awarded, all opposing players must be at least ten yards away from the spot where the free kick is to be taken, unless they are standing on their goal line between the goal posts.

5. When a player is taking a free kick from within their defensive penalty area, the ball must be kicked beyond the penalty area and all opponents must be outside the penalty area.

6. The ball must be stationary when a free kick is taken. The kicker shall not play the ball again until it has been touched by another player (either team). The ball may be kicked in any direction.


1. A penalty kick is awarded after a serious or intentional rule infraction takes place in the penalty area by the defensive team. A penalty kick can be awarded regardless of the position of the ball, if the infraction by the defending team is committed in the penalty area. It is not awarded for infractions that call for an indirect free kick.

2. The penalty kick shall be taken from anywhere on the penalty mark, twelve yards from the goal line.

3. The penalty kick may be taken by any player of the offended team on the field of play at the time of the offense.

(Co-Ed) The person taking the penalty kick must be of the same gender as the person who was fouled originally.

4. All players except the goalie must stay outside the penalty area.

5. The goalkeeper must stand on the goal line and may not move forward until the ball is kicked. The goalkeeper may move laterally.

6. The kicker must wait for the official to start the play. The kicker must kick the ball forward. If the ball is not put into play properly, the kick will be retaken. Any action to deceive the goalkeeper by the kicker is illegal.

7. Following the kick, the ball shall be deemed in play if it remains on the field of play; however, the kicker shall not play the ball a second time until it has touched another player (either team).

8. For any infringement by the defending team, the kick shall be retaken if a goal has not resulted. For any infringement by the attacking team other than by the kicker, the kick shall be retaken if a goal has resulted.


1. Overtime will consist of ONE 5-minute “golden goal” period. The first team to score a goal will win the game. The choice of ends and the kickoff will be decided by a coin toss.

2. If the game remains tied at the end of the overtime period, the game will proceed into a 5-person shootout.

3. A coin toss will occur to determine which team shall kick first in the shootout. The winner of the coin toss shall have the option of shooting first or last. In corec, the team shooting first will also determine which gender shoots first. In co-ed, if playing a person down, a player of the majority gender must shoot first in the shootout in order to establish the proper rotation.

4. Each team captain shall designate three (5) players to shoot for their team. The designated players must have been on the field of play (in the game) at the end of the overtime period. The goalkeeper may be one of the shooters.

5. Goalkeeper changes may occur only at the beginning of the shootout and as long as the new goalkeeper was a player on the field at the end of the overtime period.

6. Each team has a total of five (5) shots. Teams will alternate after each shot. Each shot shall follow the procedure for a penalty kick as outlined above. In co-ed play, the order of the shooters for each team must alternate gender. Either a male or female may kick first.

7. If the score remains tied following the first five (5) shots by each team, a sudden victory shootout will occur in which the game is won if, after ANY equal number of shots, the tie is broken.

8. During the sudden victory shootout, teams must supply shooters different from their first three shooters. All eligible players –those on the field at the end of the overtime period — must be a shooter in the shootout before any player may shoot again. In co-ed play, the alternating of genders must continue with the 4th shooter being the same gender as the 2nd shooter, and so on. Teams will continue to alternate shots as initially determined.

9. In the event that a team is playing a person-down due to ejection or injury and is not permitted by rule to replace the player or, if permitted, has no available eligible substitutes, the vacant place in the shootout order shall be last available (#7 in men’s and women’s or #8 in co-ed). The vacant place shall be recorded as a missed shot for that round. No player who has previously participated in the shootout shall shoot again until round 8 (men’s and women’s) or round 9 (co-ed).


1. The mission of Intramural Sports is to provide a recreational environment for the University community which is safe and enjoyable. While the game atmosphere is often competitive, ensuring participant safety, providing a fun, social atmosphere, and promoting sporting behavior among participants, spectators, and team followers are our primary concerns. The game atmosphere should remain good-natured at all times. Participants shall maintain good sporting behavior throughout their participation in all facets of the intramural program.

2. The Sporting Behavior Rating System is intended to be an objective scale by which teams’ attitude and behavior can be assessed throughout the intramural sports league and playoff seasons. Behavior before, during, and after an intramural sports contest is included in the rating. The team captain is responsible for educating and informing all players and spectators affiliated with their team about the system.

3. A team is responsible for the actions of the individual team members and spectators related to it. Additionally, FSU Intramural Sports does not recognize the use of coaches. Only the team captain shall speak to the officials regarding administrative matters (protests, ejections, disqualifications, etc). Furthermore, the team captain’s efforts in assisting officials/staff to calm difficult situations and to restrain troubled teammates are key to controlling team conduct.

4. Sporting behavior is vital to the conduct of every Intramural contest. In order to encourage proper conduct during games, officials, administrative personnel, and supervisors shall make decisions on whether to warn, penalize or eject players or teams for poor behavior. These decisions are final. The Intramural Sports administrative staff will rule on further penalties as a result of unsporting conduct.

5. Each participant should choose their team members carefully, as all team members will suffer the consequences of any disciplinary action taken by the Intramural Sports staff against that team for violation of the intramural rules and sporting behavior guidelines. Protests or appeals of sporting behavior ratings will not be recognized. The Intramural Sports administrative staff reserves the right to review any rating given to a team.

6. Additional information regarding team and participant sporting behavior including the rating method, factors, and scale is available in the Sporting Behavior Principle of the Seven Principles of Intramural Sports, available online at the FSU Campus Recreation web site.