While many of our offerings are only available through reservation, we do have some drop-in options.

  • Climbing Wall (Free for current FSU students. $3 for non-students)
    • Open Friday through Sunday, 1-5 p.m.
      • Fall semester: Start of term through Thanksgiving
      • Spring semester: After Spring Break through end of term
    • Open Saturday and Sunday, 1-5 p.m.
      • Summer semester
  • Special Events (Check out our website for upcoming events!)
    • Lake Days – Here’s your chance to come up on the course and play! During our Lake Days we provide a variety of activities that can include sections of the high course to try, zip jumps, and the giant swing.
    • Crate Stacking – Imagine yourself 15 feet off the ground balancing on a stack of milk crates. Don’t worry, you’ll be properly secured to a rope just like at the climbing wall! We will teach you how to build a tower of milk crates while simultaneously climbing the stack. Show up and get your stack on!