Step 1: Register

All registrations for Aquatics classes, Fitness programs, and Outdoor Pursuits adventure trips BEGIN in Rec Connect at

You must complete registration in the Rec Connect portal to secure your space in a program or class PRIOR to submitting payment in Step 2.

Registration for Intramural Sports leagues takes place at Again, please complete your team registration prior to submitting payment for the league.

Questions about registration? Visit our Contact Us page for phone numbers and email addresses for our various Campus Rec team members.

Step 2: Pay

Once you have registered in Rec Connect or received an email from Campus Recreation to pay for your registration, click on the button below to complete payment.

During the payment process, please use the name and email address that matches your registration in Rec Connect. You will receive a receipt via email after your payment.

For information about cancellations or changes to your registration, please visit our Cancellations & Refunds page.